About Us

Logo for managingclimaterisk.orgWe are business people pursuing what we consider is an enlightened interest in managing climate change for businesses.

Sustainability and the circular economy are very much on the agenda, as means of abating climate change risks.

Our website will reflect the many aspects of climate change which will impact on businesses which we anticipate developing over the next 5 to 10 years, and beyond.

It is our view that to establish good credentials in sustainability will soon become a business imperative for large stock market quoted companies seeking investment fro large investment funds, pension funds etc.

Again, this website will be involved in that developing scene.

Why Do We Think Managing Climate Risk is Important?

As long ago as 2011 the UN Environment Programme estimates climate change costs at $300 billion a year.

We facing a future where consequence and responsibility for climate change are a more direct influence on business than they have ever been.

We've already seen a glimpse of the future.

Way back in July 2004 US lawyers filed a suit against five major power companies who they claimed were responsible for 10% of US CO2 emissions.

Furthermore, what if a credible damage cost was assigned to each tonne of CO2 emitted and emitters had to pay it?

Bringing this home, some key questions for business now are:

  • What are the potential impacts of climate change on my business?
  • What are the consequences of my company emitting greenhouse gases – globally and locally?
  • How do I demonstrate to my stakeholders (investors, customers, regulators, employees etc) that I understand climate change risk and am managing it appropriately?
  • How do I account for the risks on my balance sheet?
  • How can my business move to a low/ no carbon strategy?

If you are seeking answers to any of these questions, as we develop this website, we will increasingly be able to help you with answers.

Introduction to Climate Risk Management

Climate affects multiple sectors including agriculture, food security, water resources, health and land use. Climate variability triggers crop failures, food insecurity, malaria epidemics, and shortage in hydro-power and irrigation.

These types of impacts affect the ability of developing countries to achieve Millennium Development Goals related to poverty, hunger and human health. Impacts across multiple sectors associated with drought, flooding and cyclones frequently accumulate into disasters.

Over the 20th century, disasters involving climate-related hazards were seven times as frequent as those involving non-climatic hazards globally and accounted for nine times as many deaths.

The economic losses associated with climatic hazards were three times higher than those associated with non-climatic hazards and the number of people affected 55 times greater. Better management of climate-related risks is key to preventing disasters and protecting development.

CRM seeks to promote the achievement of sustainable development goals by helping to manage societal vulnerability associated with both short term climate variability and longer term climate change.

It involves proactive, precautionary programs to realise positive outcomes for communities and societies in climate-sensitive areas such as agriculture, water resources, food security, health, the environment and livelihoods.

The approach integrates three aspects of climate and sustainable development that are often considered in isolation. via WayBack Machine

We are all about ameliorating Hydro-meteorological Hazards, as defined by UNISDR below:

Hydro-meteorological Hazards Defined

The process or phenomenon of atmospheric, hydrological or oceanographic nature that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage. (UNISDR terminology, 2009)

Hydrometeorological hazards include tropical cyclones, thunderstorms, hailstorms, tornados, blizzards, heavy snowfall, avalanches, coastal storm surges, floods including flash floods, drought, heatwaves and cold spells.

Hydrometeorological conditions also can be a factor in other hazards such as landslides, wildland fires, locust plagues, epidemics, and in the transport and dispersal of toxic substances and volcanic eruption material.